There is more to life than meets the eye

Have you ever been totally in your element? Things flow so smoothly and it feels like there is a path being made for you as you navigate you daily life. You see angel numbers, use your intuition, you notice synchronicity. You are tired of the same paradigm. You know that there is more to life. There is a way to be in your element throughout your life. I feel like my purpose is to find that element and stay in it. while bringing others along for the ride. Buckle up, the rabbit hole goes deep....

Course Description

The Crystal for Dummies course will teach you about Crystals, and everything you need to know to get started.

In lecture #1 I discuss the origins of Crystals and how they came into use. I explain how they work on a scientific level as well to improve your understanding.

Lecture #2 goes in depth on where to find your Crystal, and how to choose the right one.

On Lecture #3 I explain the steps you would take to prepare your Crystal for your specific needs.

.Lecture #4 explains programming. Quartz Crystals are like mini computers and act as amplifiers. They have a memory and are highly programmable.. You will learn programming in this lecture.

Lecture #5 is a recap and will give you tips on working with your Crystal. Includes more pointers on maintenance to make sure you are getting the best experience.

Coaching and Mentoring

You already have the answers. Sometimes you just need a little push to help you along the way. We offer one on one coaching and group coaching.

Business Consulting

Do you need a team to take the lead, and solve your business problem? Working on a project you need help on? We offer consulting services for small business as well as coporations.

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You are here for a reason.

Sound Off Academy is about learning yourself and personal growth. No one is perfect.. I learn from you all just as much as I teach. So often we try to help and fix others when we should start with ourselves. This will be our platform where like minded people can come to explore nature while realizing we are all linked and connected on a spiritual level. Use Sound Off Academy as a tool for greater understanding, knowledge and self empowerment.. You will learn how to apply this knowledge to your everyday life. Lets grow together

.Knowledge + Application = Wisdom.